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Arabian Nights

February is READING MADNESS MONTH at Promontory School, and this year our theme is Arabian Nights. All month long, we will be celebrating books and reading with fun activities, such as:

  • Lunch in the Library -- Each week, students will have a day when they are invited to come to the library during their lunch period for games and activities. (If you would like to volunteer for Lunch in the Library, click here.)

  • Month-Long Reading Challenge -- Just like Scheherazade told 1,000 stories, we are challenging each of our communities to read 1,000 books during the month of February! Students will set individual goals with their teachers and track their reading on a special Arabian Nights Reading Log. (If you need to print another copy of the reading log, click here.)

  • Books for Soldiers -- We are partnering with Operation Paperback to grant BOOK wishes to men and women in the military! Click here to see how you can participate.

  • And more! -- Other amazing activities are also on the agenda. If you would like a full calendar of all the Reading Madness Month events, click here.

Let the Reading Madness begin!

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